Past History
Raja's Weyr

Rajani was born in a minor seahold located north of Ista's Weyr. She is the oldest daughter in a family of four children. Despite that her parents frequently spoiled their children with new clothes and nicer monetary things, little love was passed within the family. Life in Raja’s home was somewhat less than easy. She and her younger brothers were bundled into wagons at tender young ages barely deemed to be travel ready and boarded within Ista Hold often in efforts to shield them from their own father’s bouts of drunken anger. At every opportunity their mother spoiled her children with trinkets and bouts of loving affection to make up for any gaps left by their frequently absent father. Raja proved to be a precocious child and her determined nature defied nearly every effort to please her. Her father managed to cajole Raja into a marriage he then arranged for her without knowledge of either Raja or his wife. There was little time allowed for Rajani to pack before she found herself being ferried out to a waiting ship that would take her the journey to her new home. Her father had offered her to the captain of a ship fleet as bride to either of his sons. So four months before her sixteenth birthingday, Raj was escorted via ship to Paradise Hold, and there married to the first son of the Seacrafter, a young man nearly five turns her senior.

Life as Kullen's wife was a prolonged series of unhappy months as very nearly his decoration and toy. Raja hadn't been married to Kul six full months when the rules imposed upon her began to really chafe. She started acting out angrily and showing a drastically more rebellious nature by speaking her mind and always out of place. She blatantly refused to learn anything beyond the rudimentary cooking skills that had been forced upon her as a child. By the time the marriage hit its seventh month, Raja had already tried escaping her new life by taking off down the docks whilst Kullen's ship made a delivery. Her punishment once caught and hauled back was mildly severe and she was contained within a single room on the ship until they docked safely home. Raja lasted a full month beyond her first escape attempt before she made her second. Kullen's ship had been docked with Ista Hold when Raja slipped off the vessel one dark night and made an effort to escape into the Hold for help. Her punishment was much more severe when Kullen himself caught her mid-escape and drug her back to their cabin. Afraid for her life should she run again.. Raja took the only option available to get away from her ill-tempered husband. Their marriage had stretched on nine grueling months when Raja was presented with her option out though it made her less than proud. She managed to seduce her husband’s younger brother Xaron the very night she knew of her husband's return to Paradise. Safe within the protection of the Hold throughout the short affair, Raja left an enraged Kullen with a single option.. divorce. He quickly denounced her as a wife and had her moved to High Reaches Weyr. Many onlookers left behind were left whispering that the Captain’s boy managed to catch up with his cheating wife in the moments between her room and waiting escort. But no action was taken against Kullen so few believed the drifting of gossip.

Rajanigandha managed to develop a stunning sense of well being after her establishment within High Reaches Weyr and generally leaving her past behind. Her varieties of talents had won her some popularity throughout the Weyr as an amazing Hair stylist. While hair styling wasn’t the only talent she happened to possess. It was the only talent she really promoted. Raja found the style of living among the Weyr's folk, while different than her norm, to be tremendously preferable to either of her two previous homes.


*All content contained herein is a collaboration that was put together to give a more in depth vision of a non-living game character. In no way is any of this data related to real events, people, or occurrences.

**Images and dragons drawn by any artist used on this page are not inspired by or in any way related to the Dragonriders of Pern® by Anne McCaffrey. They are either traditional Earth dragons or Dimar and are all original works.