Raja's Weyr
Meaning: He who gives Happiness

Origin: Indian

Pronunciation: Shan kar

<Still trying to come up with a good one. Anyone inventive want to take pity?> Below is his hatchling desc.

He tumbles out of his egg, landing, of course, on his head, a bit too big for his body. Oops. He rights himself, and shakes his swirled wings to compose himself. Sunlight pours over the pretty little thing in quantity, no matter /where/ he is. And, likewise, he brightens the room, goofy as he may be.
Meaning: Sweet, Gentle
Origin: Sanskrit
Pronunciation: MAH dhoor
Emerald crowns pert headknobs, dripping down lengthy ridges to drizzle over the luscious curves of her zaftig form. Spindly limbs remain at odds with her plush frame, dipped in candied mint that frosts her tiny toes and tips her curving talons. Wings sprout at jaunty angles -- all dabbled with apple green -- and her tail whips behind, spaded tip tending to flip erratically.

Meaning: bold; brave

Origin: Sanskrit

Pronunciation: VEE krant

Smooth chocloate brown ripples across the muzzle of this firelizard whenever he unfurls his gossamer, sail-like wings. Rukbat burns brazenly through the hazy mist that shrouds pale golden-brown back and wing-sails. Power he is, strong and fearsome; his talons sharp and ebon. His regal bearing makes his demeanor, and his silent arrogance more elegance than a character flaw. Developed arm and leg muscles are well defined 'neath sleek hide. His long tail is strong and supple and whips from side to side. It often shows his emotions better then his eyes.


Meaning: Moon Shining

Origin: Sanskrit

Pronunciation: Chand

Twirled among the sea of glittering cyan, veins of silver twist their way through to create a luminescent glow upon this 'lizard's hide despite the time of day, though his true sheen comes out beneath moonlight. The lightest touch of blue, his wingsails are nearly translucent among the glossy polished sapphire, and stretch like sheeted metal when they're extended. Bulkier then most blues, he's heavily weighted and isn't as agile as some of his smaller brothers; his stature is more of a small brown's.

Meaning: golden skinned

Origin: Indian

Pronunciation: Heh Mah Lee

Creamy gold hues spiral and flow along her sleek and beautiful hide. The soft colors drifting along sensuous curves and highlighting the magnificent sweep of her head, neck, and feet. Majestic wings sweep back from powerful shoulders, their sails a whirling of fragile golden light. Her tail flows behind her, carried with poise and grace. When opened to view the world, her whirling eyes have about them a noble, and regal quality.


*All content contained herein is a collaboration that was put together to give a more in depth vision of a non-living game character. In no way is any of this data related to real events, people, or occurrences.

**Images and dragons drawn by any artist used on this page are not inspired by or in any way related to the Dragonriders of PernŽ by Anne McCaffrey. They are either traditional Earth dragons or Dimar and are all original works.